Our Locations
Campbell County
Phone #: 605-360-2282
Rates: Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.
Codington County (Watertown)
Watertown is the main office for the Community Transit of Watertown/Sisseton, Inc.
Phone #: 605-882-5287
Location: 205 1st Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201
Primary Service Area: Watertown, Florence, Henry, Kranzburg, South Shore, and Wallace. We also provide service in Clark, Deuel & Hamlin Counties.
Hours of Operation: 6 AM – 6 PM Monday-Friday and 6 AM – 4 PM Saturday
Rates: In-town one way is $3 or $5. Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.
Day County (Webster)
Phone Number for Webster: 605-265-0372
Phone Number for Day County: 605-924-1301
Primary Service Area: Bristol, Waubay, Webster, Andover, Butler, Grenville, Pierpont, and Roslyn
Hours of Operation: 8 AM - 4 PM Monday - Friday
Rates: In-town one way is $2, subsequent stops are $1 each. Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.
Edmunds County (Bowdle)
Phone #: 605-846-0982
Primary Service Area: Bowdle, Hosmer, Ipswich, and Roscoe
Hours of Operation: To be scheduled as needed
Rates: In-town one way is $1. Out of town rates vary depending on the destination
Faulk County (Faulkton)
Phone #: 605-228-7938
Primary Service Area: Faulkton, Chelsea, Cresbard, Onaka, Orient, Rockham, and Seneca.
Hours of Operation: To be scheduled as needed
Rates: Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.
Grant County (Milbank)
Phone #: 605-432-4866
Primary Service Area: Milbank, Big Stone City, Albee, La Bolt, Marvin, Revillo, Stockholm, Strandburg, and Twin Brooks.
Hours of Operation: 7 AM – 5 PM, Office hours are 7:30 AM-4:30 PM Monday-Friday
Rates: In-town one way is $2, round trip $3, multiple in-town stops $1 each with a cap of $5. Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.
Groton Area
Phone # 605-397-8661
Primary Service Area: City of Groton and Eastern Brown County
Hours of Operation: 8 AM – 4 PM Monday-Friday
Rates: In-town one way is $2. Medical trips to Aberdeen are $20.00 round trip
Lennox Area
Phone #: 605-496-4069
Primary Service Area: Lennox
Hours of Operation: 8 AM – 5 PM Monday-Friday
Rates: In-Town one way is $3. Out of Town round trip is $30.
Marshall County (Britton)
Phone #: 605-228-0862
Primary Service Area: Britton, Veblen, Eden, Lake City, and Langford.
Hours of Operation: 8 AM – 4 PM Monday-Friday
Rates: In-town one way is $2. Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.
McPherson County (Eureka)
Phone #: 605-216-6651
Primary Service Area: Eureka, Leola, Hillsview, Long Lake, and Wetonka.
Hours of Operation: 10:30 AM – 2:30 PM Monday-Friday
Rates: Senior Center one way is $1. In-town one way is $2.
Roberts County (Sisseton)
Sisseton is the secondary office for the Community Transit of Watertown/Sisseton, Inc.
Phone #: 605-698-7511
Location: 811 4th Avenue East, Sisseton, SD 57262
Primary Service Area: Sisseton, Wilmot, Claire City, Corona, New Effington, Ortley, Peever, Rosholt, Summit, and White Rock.
Hours of Operation: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday-Friday
Rates: In-town one way is $1. Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.
Spink County (Redfield)
Phone #: 605-472-1552
Primary Service Area: Ashton, Doland, Mellette, Conde, Frankfort, Redfield, Brentford, Northville, Tulare, and Turton.
Hours of Operation: 8 AM – 4 PM Monday-Friday
Rates: In-town rates are $2 for the first pickup and $1 for each stop after that. Out of town rates vary depending on the destination.